DeepWood is an upper-lux collectible art & design brand designed to show the fundamental beauty in all things life has to offer. It is the purest form of manifesting a dream to build a craftsmanship company with my dad. After his tragic passing, I am deeply inspired to continue to live his legacy through this creation of eternal art.
Art of true value is an experience to be lived, a deep truth to be felt. The world’s greatest artistic masterpieces tell stories that inspire questions of the highest order, leading the imagination down a thousand corridors. DeepWood brings Earth’s greatest art, through the misty corridors of time, into the places life is actually lived.
Not an unending length of time, but a moment beyond the reach of time. Each DeepWood piece contains 25+ million years of history etched into the very fibre of its enigmatic character. Hibernating just below the surface
as a thousand lifetimes pass by in the blink of an eye, imbued with the infinite intelligence